The Homeless Alliance | WestTown Homeless Resource Campus
Homelessness is complicated. It's something that can not be solved by any single agency. It requires everyone working together to address it effectively. Additionally, Oklahoma City is geographically very large and hard to navigate without access to transportation. Our campus serves to bring multiple agencies together to collaborate and make services more accessible to people who need them by co-locating them on one site. ​
Campus: 1724 N.W. 4th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73106 (one block east of Pennsylvania Ave. on N.W. 3rd)
Resource Center: 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (closed holidays)
Day Shelter: 1729 NW 3rd Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73106, 6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day
Winter Shelter: 1601 NW 4th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73106, 4 p.m. to 7 a.m. every day (Nov. 1 through March 31 only)
We are located near EMBARK bus routes 008, 007, 038, and 009 and the complimentary MOE shuttle.
The campus is open to anyone, including pets. The Day Shelter offers breakfast and lunch, showers, and mail service, a volunteer-ran barbershop, and access to classes, activities, and services. Services include health clinics, Legal Aid, payee services, mental health care, employment programs, DHS, STI testing, veterans' programs, and other services. Not all services are available at all times.

On-Site Partner Agencies & Services
Not all services are available at all times.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Fresh stART
Guiding Right, Inc.
Healing Hands (Community Health Services of Oklahoma)
Healthy Housing (HOPWA)
Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma
Mental Health Association of Oklahoma
OKC VA Health Care System
Oklahoma County Crisis Intervention Center & Crisis Recovery Unit
Oklahoma City - County Health Department
Oklahoma City Municipal Court
Oklahoma Department of Human Services
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Red Rock Behavioral Health Services
SHRED the Stigma
Supportive Services for Veterans Outreach
Upward Transitions
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Veterans Administration
Volunteers of America - Payee Services
Community-Based Housing Navigators
In addition to hosting on-site partner agencies, we have housing navigators outplaced at other organizations in the community.